About Us

Top In-Home Support Services for New Moms

Hello, and welcome to Bundle of Joy! We are a Middle Tennessee-based maternal and infant care services provider. We offer services from lactation consultation to follow-up visits, mommy support, and postpartum support. To better understand, a lactation consultant or specialist is a health professional who specializes in breastfeeding. They provide education, counseling, and support to expecting and new moms in order to ensure successful breastfeeding and combat common barriers. These professionals can help mothers become more informed about breastfeeding, address any potential difficulties or concerns, and develop a personal breastfeeding plan that is tailored to their specific needs.

Having your baby is an incredibly special time in your life; however, it can also be a very exhausting time. Allow us to care for you and your family during this special time. Our postpartum specialists are here to help new moms adjust to the changes brought on by childbirth and to provide them with crucial breastfeeding support through a personalized and holistic approach that addresses both physical and emotional issues. Our team is passionate about providing moms with the resources and support they need to breastfeed successfully.

Our postpartum services are the perfect tool for mothers to combat exhaustion and stress during the fourth trimester. We can help create a supportive environment through ongoing assistance, care, and knowledge that will give moms the help they need to build a beautiful family relationship with the baby and everyone around them.

We believe that all mothers should have access to the helpful guidance of a lactation consultant or specialist, so don’t let limitations such as inverted or flat nipples or a lack of support from loved ones hold you back from achieving your breastfeeding goals. Reach out to us today through our contact form and let us help you on your journey to breastfeeding success.

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We understand that the postpartum phase can be overwhelming and tiring. If you're in need of assistance or support, please fill out the contact form below. Our dedicated team is here to provide the help you deserve. We're here to make your postpartum experience more manageable and enjoyable.