
We accept insurance for lactation visit coverage!

Many families receive 6+ visits at no out-of-pocket cost. 

Please read the entire page to find the correct way to verify for your insurance plan/company.

We are excited to announce that we have partnered with Lactation Network to accept insurance billing. This is an incredible organization that helps families get the breastfeeding support they deserve, covered by their insurance. The Lactation Network guarantees every mother with insurance they cover 6+ lactation consultations with one of us IBCLCs at no out of pocket cost. They handle the paperwork and bill your insurance directly.

The Lactation Network covers – BCBS PPO, Anthem PPO, Humana, Cigna, United, MultiPlan, and UHC Commercial Plans – check for this logo on your insurance card (baby or parent coverage): Pre-approval must be obtained online through Lactation Network via the pink button below if you have one of the listed insurances. You will receive an email (often within a few hours) letting you know if you are eligible for coverage. If they don’t cover your plan, we can see if we can bill to your insurance directly – email and send photo of card if rejected by TLN.

This link is NOT for TennCare verification.

We are in network with Cigna via Wildflower. Please use this link to approve your Cigna plan for lactation visits with Tennessee Lactation Care:

How to use your 6+ visits covered by your insurance?

Prenatal Visit

Initial Breastfeeding visit

Problem solving or just checking to make sure everything is on track for success

Follow up visit

Reassessing a breastfeeding care plan outcome, weight check

Post Frenectomy

Teach suckling exercises and stretches post frenectomy (tongue tie release)

Pump Use

How to use your pump, check flange size fit, great for exclusive pumping moms, going back to work, or just have pump questions.

Bottle Feeding

Perfect for moms going back to work or babies who need to be able to take a bottle

Starting Solids

Around 6 months old


When you and Baby are ready

Nutrition and Exercise for the Breastfeeding Mom

Just need some support

Perinatal Mental Health concerns